Mayor lauded for efforts

Library backers hold ceremony for Vini Samuel

Montesano Mayor Vini Samuel recently received the 24th Margaret Downey community service award from the Friends of the W.H. Abel Memorial Library. Organization president Megan Valentine, who is a member of the Montesano City Council, presented the award to Samuel on Nov. 26 at the library.

“Thank you all!” Samuel said online. “Thrilled to receive this from my community’s Friends of the Library and to have Congressman (Derek) Kilmer’s heartfelt letter. … Margaret Downey was a community activist — proud to continue in her tradition. I know why she did all of her work — because the neighbors we have in Montesano are one of our greatest blessings.”

According to an online posting promoting the event: “The Margaret Downey Memorial Community Service Award was created by the Friends of the W.H. Abel Memorial Library to recognize those who, in the time-honored tradition of volunteering, create a better and more livable community. They make time in their busy lives to do for others and to do with others.”