Enrollments continue for next school year

Open enrollment for the 2019-20 school year at Montesano School District began April 22

Beacon Elementary in the Montesano School District is ready to register the Class of 2032.

Kindergarten open enrollment for the 2019-20 school year began April 22., 2019

Children who turn 5-year-olds before Sept. 1 are eligible for full-day kindergarten. A link to enroll students online “will be available on the Montesano School District website at www.monteschools.org,” according to a release from Beacon. Registering online requires use of the Skyward Family Access system. “If you do not have access to a computer, you may access one at (a Timberland Regional Library branch) or at the Beacon office. For Skyward assistance, please call the Beacon office at 360-249-4528,” the release states.

Beacon Elementary officials also would like to encourage parents to sign up children for a free preschool development screening.

“The primary purpose of our preschool program is to serve students with special needs,” the release states. “A developmental preschool for three and four-year-olds is available to qualifying children with delays in communication, social/emotional, adaptive, cognitive, and/or physical development. In addition, a limited number of preschool spots are also available to income-eligible students as part of ECEAP (Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program).”

Call the Beacon office at 360-249-4528 to learn more and to schedule an eligibility screening.

Montesano Co-Op Preschool

The preschool is now accepting applications for enrollment for next school year.

Contact the school at 360-249-2717 to learn more. The school’s webpage is facebook.com/MonteCoOpPreschool.

Founded in 1976, the school became a nonprofit in 1977. Enrollment information for the school, which is at 401 E. Spruce Ave. in Montesano, can be found online at tinyurl.com/Monte-Coop-preschool.