125 years ago
Dec. 7, 1894
Congress is again in session — heaven alone knows what it will bring forth.
The Ocosta Pioneer is doing some good work in favor of Hon. John L. Wilson’s candidacy for the United States senate.
Every man owing a debt, however large or small, who has the money in his possession to meet the same, is in honor bond to pay it.
The first snow-flake of the season was seen yesterday.
Mrs. Grigsby of Copalis spent Thanksgiving with friends in Hoquiam.
A.D. Devonshire and wife of Montesano have been visiting relatives and friends in the Elma vicinity for several days.
The Elma school is progressing finely under the present management. The teachers all work hard to make it a success, and we are pleased to say that the results of their labors are beginning to be noticed and appreciated by the patrons of the schools.
D.C. West and family of Minneapolis, Minn., and N. Rowe and family, of South Dakota, arrived in the city Monday. It is probable they will remain here through the winter, and they may locate on the coast. Mrs. West and Mrs. Rowe are daughters of C.E. Story.
It is estimated that fifty thousand cases of salmon were packed on Grays Harbor and Willipa Harbor this season.
Dr. and Mrs. Colman were visiting in Melbourne several days the past week, the guests of Judge and Mrs. Goss.
100 years ago
Nov. 21, 1919
We had a letter from Isaac Northam of Seattle this week. We don’t know Mr. Northam, but he seems to know Montesano and The Vidette and he writes of the I.W.W. outrages: “I’m glad to find The Vidette is not behind any of the papers in denouncing them.”
Senator Carlyon, who knows more about roads than most folks and who rode to Seattle on the same train as the writer the other day, says Grays Harbor is noted for its first rate roads.
The firemen’s annual Thanksgiving ball will be delayed this year until the completion of the firemen’s hall, but it will be held. As planned now the building will be completed about the middle of December.
The Wynooche river has been at flood stage for a day or two the first of the week but no real harm was done.
Elma Special — Nov. 26, 27, 28, 29, for four nights, gambling, boozing and dancing. Come on, boys, come on, girls. Forget your troubles. Get your old nag and buckboard or tin lizzy, and bring your wife or best girl or some other fellow’s wife or girl. This show has no girls, but plenty of jazzzying. Don’t fail to see the way we lived in the days of ’49. Gents, 50 cents, including war tax; ladies, 25 cents.
75 years ago
Nov. 30, 1944
Front page letter from Lt. J.D. DeBruler (stationed somewhere in the Marianas): Have been receiving the Vidette regularly and wish to take this opportunity to request that my name be added to your long list of very appreciative overseas subscribers. I wonder if the people at home know just how much the hometown news means out here miles from nowhere. Letters from home and he Vidette are the only strings of civilization to which we can cling. Strings of memory that take us back to a world of peace and to those we love.
The various items and articles unfold many names dear to us and it is a constant pleasure to think of all these people we have known since we were old enough to remember anyone. Without the Vidette to remind us, I’m sure the activities at hand would cause us to think of them very seldom. A weakness of humanity we all admit. Sometimes this concern for ourselves and our immediate needs is too consuming I think. We deny ourselves many hours of pleasure by just not remembering. Funny thing that. You learn it out here. There really isn’t a lot of future planning one dares to look forward to. Because, maybe … .
The road to Tokyo is getting shorter. No doubt all of you will hear before too long that Tokyo is being blasted again and again by our Navy, Air Forces, Army and Marines. It is inevitable. While it gets closer, every advance will continue to be a long hard grind. But not one foot of the way will we forget Bob Kesterson. When the final shot is fired and peace once again comes to this troubled earth, all of the people of Montesano and of the whole United States must remember that the freedom they enjoy today and all their future in a free land was bought and paid for with the lives of men like Bob. God help us if we break faith with our dead again.
50 years ago
Nov. 27, 1969
The importance of Washington’s world trade market has been grossly underscored as far as figures released by the Department of Commerce pertaining to the nation’s balance of payment, is concerned. This was the view taken this week by the Port of Grays Harbor.
In commenting on the general subject of world trade, E.W. Clocksin, port manager said, “Our state alone has accounted for nearly 25% of the country’s international trade surplus during the first nine months of the year, thus softening somewhat the impact of the growing payment shortage. The entire picture becomes even more significant when you consider the fact that our ports actually enjoyed only 3.7% of the nation’s total import-export business during the same period.”
World trade for 1968 reached an aggregate value of $2.5 billion in the state last year, and indications are that 1969 will set a record by possibly exceeding $3 billion. Continuing, Clocksin said, “Such statistics have a deep significance to every Washington resident when you consider the fact that trade provides more than 10% of employment and personal income throughout the state, and is especially important when other areas of our economy are presently sagging.”
A unanimous verdict of “not guilty” was rendered late Monday afternoon in the trial of County Auditor Lawrence E. Christiansen, who had been indicted by a grand jury on three counts of “misuse of public funds.”
A jury composed of nine men and three women deliberated for less than three hours Monday, after being given the case in the courtroom of Superior Court Judge Stanley W. Worswick of Pierce County, who had been named to preside over the trial after Grays Harbor Superior Court Judge Warner Poyhonen had disqualified himself from sitting on the case.
(The charges) apparently stemmed from the alleged actions of the county auditor during the general election of 1968.
In the trial Monday, only two witnesses were called in behalf of the state, while Christiansen himself was the only witness appearing in behalf of the defense.
In commenting on the outcome of the trial Christiansen said, “At the time of the indictment last May, I said that as far as I was concerned, there had been absolutely nothing illegal in my actions. I still say the same and I believe this unanimous verdict indicates that I was right.”