Diabetes prevention classes available

Group setting will help provide support and motivation

If you’ve been thinking about losing weight and being healthier, the Diabetes Prevention Program may be for you. Washington State University Extension is offering the national Diabetes Prevention Program.

The program, beginning on Sept. 11, is effective in helping people lose a modest amount of weight and gradually increase the physical activity needed to delay diabetes.

The Diabetes Prevention Program is a year-long program made up of 12 weekly sessions followed by biweekly and monthly meetings to help maintain lifestyle changes. It covers a variety of topics including healthy eating, motivation techniques, how to include light physical activity and manage stress.

Participants receive a free workbook and tracking tools to help manage their progress. The group setting helps provide support and motivation with people facing similar lifestyle challenges. Together participants can celebrate their successes and figure out ways to overcome obstacles. Three- and 10-year follow-up studies have shown those who participated continue to delay the development of diabetes.

Three different class series are being offered:

• Mondays, starting Sept. 11, at noon in Montesano at the Timberland Regional Library.

• Tuesdays, starting Sept. 12, in Aberdeen at Grays Harbor Community Hospital East Campus from 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.

• Wednesdays, starting Sept. 13, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the WSU Extension office in Elma.

Preregistration is required for all classes.

This class is valued at $450 but is available at no cost for individuals at risk for developing diabetes. To enroll in the program, or for more information call Chris Koehler at (360) 482-2934 or email koehler@wsu.edu.